The Left Again Blames Russian Bots This Time for #walkaway Campaign Success

Jonathon Olley

If you've spent any time online, y'all've no doubt heard the news: Research shows that a huge majority of fan hostility toward the oft-maligned The Last Jedi was the work of Russian bots and trolls.

In this solar day and age, embroiled as we are in the "civilization wars", information technology's tempting to accept this news at face value. To scream voicelessly into the social media void.

But when yous pause downwardly the numbers and expect deeper, the reality is stunningly different: Star Wars does not have a Russian troll problem and the fan backlash is far more complex than the reports might have y'all believe.

If you're non up to speed, a prepublication research newspaper, written past Morten Bay at the Academy of Southern California, analyzed the sentiment toward The Last Jedi by studying tweets directed at Rian Johnson between the release of the film on Dec. 13, 2017 and July 20, 2018.

Bay is a research young man at the Center for the Digital Future at USC and has previously written on social media policy in the Trump era, Russian bots, fake news, journalism in social media and social media ethics. He is also a Star Wars fan.

Information technology's safe to say The Last Jedi is one of the most divisive films of the by 12 months. The discourse has been vitriolic -- harassment campaigns saw Kelly Marie Tran, who plays Rose Tico, exit social media and one group of fans petitioned to remake The Last Jedi altogether.

Research like this can be important in highlighting some of the issues with the politicization of social media and popular culture -- and how they may exist used to influence political soapbox. However, though the goals are noble, the inquiry is not definitive -- a fact that seems to have been lost in the media firestorm information technology set up off.

So, instead, permit'south dig deeper on the research.

Ane in 10

Bay'south paper stated that "50.nine% of those tweeting negatively" near The Final Jedi were likely to exist politically motivated or not even homo. This was the major takeaway for a panoply of media outlets that then stated most of the negative sentiment directed at The Last Jedi came from Russian trolls.

But that is non the truth -- or at to the lowest degree, it distorts the truth.


Director of The Last Jedi Rian Johnson.

Dick Thomas Johnson

Bay collected ane,273 tweets using Twitter's Advanced Search office, all of which were tweeted to Rian Johnson's business relationship (@rianjohnson) over a vii-calendar month period, post-release.

Afterwards "cleaning" the dataset, Bay finished with 967 tweets. He then "manually" determined whether a tweet was negative, positive or neutral. Ultimately, deciding the sentiment of any particular tweet was left up to Bay. To separate the negative tweets out even more, Bay would search the accounts with high activity for terms such as "Trump" or "SJW" to determine their political stance.

Of the 967 tweets analyzed, 206 expressed "a negative sentiment" toward the picture and its managing director.

Of the 206 negative comments, 61 were existent people reported to have a political agenda, 11 were bots and only 33 appeared to be trolls. Of those 33, just xvi appeared to possess characteristics consistent with Russian troll accounts. In reality, less than one in 10 tweets were from Russian trolls -- nowhere near the 50 per centum being widely reported.

A less heady story

In that location are a few issues here. The first is that Bay'south collection method relies but on tweets directed at Rian Johnson. Other accounts related to the picture, such equally that of Luke Skywalker -- @HamillHimself -- who has near triple the amount of followers and assumedly a far greater accomplish than Johnson, were non analyzed. This significantly limits the power of the analysis.

Notably, the research did in fact catch the eye of The Last Jedi director himself, causing him to remark "what the top-line describes is consequent with my experience online." Of class, information technology would exist consistent with his experience online, because the research paper direct used Johnson's tweets as the source of their data. Information technology quite literally analyzed his feel online.

While it is truthful that half of the negative tweets (105 of the 206) were classified as politically motivated, bots, trolls or sock puppets, the reporting that ensued diluted this message and conflated all of these separate negative reactions together. This cherry-picking helps tell a story, only it muddies the waters.

None of that is to say this was Bay'south intention. The 38 page research paper explains his methodology in-depth and with keen clarity. He draws conclusions based on the dataset he has acquired and even states that it has "limitations" and the study is of a "less-than-comprehensive nature". In his decision, he remarks that the assertions made inside his paper must be considered just within the "express scope of the data set".

He knows that makes for a less exciting story.

"Having worked equally a announcer for many years, I know how the game works," he explains.

Bay is "moderately disappointed in some of the major media brands" that ran articles without taking the time to get a footling deeper. He understands that some of his findings were buried because they produce a less enticing lede than "Russian Troll Army invading the Star Wars galaxy."

That'south just not what his inquiry suggests.

"The suspected Russian trolls are so few that it is basically the normal amount of Russian trolls you would expect to be present in a loftier-profile online debate."

A hive of scum and villainy

I'thou not here to tell you that the reaction to The Concluding Jedi did non contain a myriad of trolls, bullies or bots. It's plain for all to see that the Star Wars fandom continues to tear itself in two online, trading barbs, almost a year after The Last Jedi was released.

That conversation has fused with alt-correct politics, diversity in the media and Trump-era social media discourse. A very modest minority of the fandom was involved in that conversation, at least on Twitter in this one specific example, appears to be artificially constructed.

More importantly, it is impossible to brand generalized, sweeping statements about the land of the Star Wars discourse from this one particular study. It is, past Bay'due south ain admissions, express in the conclusions that it can draw. It is hampered by a proportionately small sample size and prone to bias. Information technology's misleading to say "one-half" when not every single Star Wars "hater" was used in the dataset.

And to exist articulate, it's not bad inquiry. Only the real story, co-ordinate to Bay, shows that "American political activists have started using the aforementioned tactics as the Russians to insert themselves into whatsoever sort of fence on social media where there'southward a rift that can exist widened."

His piece of work confirms the idea that pop culture debates on social media can exist politicized and potentially used for strategic purposes. He too suggests that popular civilization fandoms are some other place to await when trying to decipher how political messaging can be propagated online.

The truth is simple: The majority of people who read nigh Bay's research will never become and read the study from top-to-bottom.

The information volition exist presented to them and ingested through second-hand osmosis. Via a tweet, via outlets trying to capture a snapshot of the research that most appeals to their audience. There's no hard analysis of the methods, no interrogation of the dataset. And that approach only serves to inflame the discourse even more than.

Ultimately, it is ironic that in an era when fake news and misinformation are and then rife, Bay'due south report constitute widespread appeal via a media-driven narrative that was far, far abroad from the truth.

iHate: CNET looks at how intolerance is taking over the internet.

Infowars and Silicon Valley: Everything you need to know about the tech industry's free spoken language debate.


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